L is for Luna Moth

It's barely above zero degrees here in Vermont, with a wicked wind that is shaking the house. March is definitely In Like a Lion and I am so hopeful that it will live up to that saying and head out like a Lamb. I had Big Plans for the afternoon and doing something in town but I'm clutching my cozy sweater a little tighter every time with wind gusts. I've got to start being more consistent with image quality when I post online. Most of these I just take a photo with my old iPad and move on. I guess when I finish the alphabet I'll go through and actually scan them.

This morning I settled in to work on L is Luna Moth. No matter whether I like the way it comes together or not, I laugh to myself when I finally add the eyes. They are the last part, and I give a lot of thought about where to add the highlight, and how to shape them, because for me this is where I really get to know them, who do I think this one insect is? I read that Luna Moths, in the moth stage, only live one week and have no mouth. That feels so tragic for such a beautiful creature! When I finished her she just felt really innocent and precious.


Catching up!

It's been bitingly cold here the last few days, well below zero with windchill. I keep reminding myself that Spring is JUST around the corner. I mean, we already had one mud season a week or so ago, and they have been boiling sap down the road all last week... I'm just trying to stay positive, but cabin fever is kicking in and I'm even looking forward to mowing the lawn. I've been doing my alphabet insects, although I am a few days behind because I slacked off Friday and Saturday... too tired and too cold for playing with paints. But here's what came after E is for Earthworm!

F is for Firefly is my favorite. I could see doing a series of them. Although I love the look on H is for Hornet's face. That was after a long frustrating day and it totally showed! There's also G is for Green Lacewing and I is for Inchworm...

Day 5: E is for Earthworm

earthworm Yes, earthworms aren't insects, and this was an insect-specific challenge for myself, but I was tired of working with wings

Earthworms remind me of warm dirt, one of my favorite things about summer. It was interesting reading about earthworms because what they bring to us ranges from environmental concern, productivity, and balance of male/female energies.

Day 3: C is for Cicada

image I was chatting with my Mom about today's letter, C, and how I had thought about doing a centipede but after looking at photos decided I couldn't stomach it... So she suggested Cicada... More appropriate than she knew!

Today would have been a birthday for a dear friend of mine. A few years ago we were out walking and she was saying how surprised she was that I was so squeamish and yet so "into" nature, we had a small chuckle about it. Shortly after that we saw in the road in front of us a large-ish bug... She poked at it and said it was a dead cicada, and I remarked how I had never seen one close up... So I picked it up, and bravely held it close to my face squinting at its wings... And it moved and I shrieked like a girl (yes, I am one, but still...) and involuntarily hurled it into the woods. Sigh. My friend was laughing so hard she was literally sitting in the road. This is why I never became a naturalist.

Anyway, cicada is, no surprise, about rebirth and longevity. It's also about coming out of your shell, and expressing yourself authentically.

Painting new-to-me insects is proving to be a good challenge!

Counting Down to Spring

I was trying to find another online art challenge to do, but didn't see anything that interested me... Yesterday I was doodling around and had another ant show up: image

And I thought about how I always wanted to make my own set of animal medicine cards (like the ones by Jamie Sams)... so why not start by going through the alphabet and working with an insect and it's particulars? I'm doing it the same way as the last challenge, no erasing, and a (flexible) time limit. These are small, 2-3 inches. Plus, it'll take me well into March, and then it's pretty much Spring and Life will be Wonderful again.

Ant is about patience, and planning ahead, and using your strength in a group. Time and effort pay off.

Tonight I chose Bumblebee:


Bumblebee is about productivity, and staying focused, but also to  follow your own rhythm. And good fortune, joy, and harmony!

I'm going to try and not look up meanings before choosing a critter, more fun that way, I think...


Today was amazing. Over 40 degrees, with plenty of snow and blue sky... I finally strapped on my snowshoes and headed out into the field. pano

This is my view after about 20 minutes of stomping around in the snow.


Around the field were these holes and piles of snow, coyotes digging up... mice? Shrews? It was neat seeing them scattered around.


I found 2 of these, but I haven't looked up what they are yet. I stopped and chatted with them about how nice the sun felt!


I finally made it to the river. I always picture animals meeting at the same time when I see paths cross like this. Like, "oh, hey, how's winter treating ya?"


Then I headed home along a smaller stream... paused to admire the snow banks... and noticed what looked like a stump sticking up out of the water... but it moved! A mink! I had spied him once before, and was dismayed that I had forgotten my camera, but this time, HOORAY! We sat and looked at each other for about five minutes. Very special and much needed.


Happy St. Valentine's Day!


Time flies. Precious. Facebook.

art-book I've been doing an Art Marks challenge, and am on day 26 (I slacked off a few days so I don't really know if it's supposed to be done or not? The OCD part of me is having trouble not knowing this). Anyway, I chose a pocket moleskine 2015 planner to work in, since it's small, and I didn't want to start a "real" sketchbook and then not follow through.

Something I hadn't realized was that I had still been using this planner when my friend passed away in March of 2015. I didn't really like this size for a calendar, and I had stashed it in a desk drawer at some point, and when I flipped through the pages I hadn't seen much written in it. Anyway, one day I sat down and started the timer and opened to the next spread to paint and there it was, the date circled with a small heart. It took me right back to that weekend, and I sat with it for a minute. I thought about how much she would have laughed at me doing this challenge, and what a kick she would have gotten out of my finally doing art again. It was a bittersweet.

This book was not meant for painting in. The paper is holding up remarkably well, but bleeds through in the spine/gutter. Which means when flipping through older pages I'll find Rorschach tests have sprung up out of nowhere, from newer paint seeping through. It doesn't bother me, which means I have made considerable progress since college.


See that butterfly in the middle? That wasn't there originally. The original challenge prompt for this is "Singular."

One of the nagging voices in my head (I assume we all have them?) is of a painting teacher telling me I was too "precious" with my work. I would create something I liked, and I would stop. I resented her telling me this, and felt like she wasn't very supportive. I finally understand what she was saying, I wish she had found a different way to say it. "Precious" (said specifically in her voice) became the word in my head that meant "you're not any good." What she really meant was, push a little bit, relax a little bit, don't worry that you'll never be able to recreate this, don't hold on so tight, and let accidents happen. Like Rorschach blots in sketch books.

The other thing that has been great with this challenge is that for some reason I'm able to commit to doing it every (almost) day without feeling guilty. Something that I am slowly getting better at... I don't know why I still sometimes feel like I need to justify art time, but I do.

Part of it right now is that I am spending too much time on Facebook. Every time I log on I get sucked into news stories, petitions, protests, op-eds, and so on. It makes me feel slightly inadequate, on top of getting pummeled emotionally. So I'll take a break from FB for a while... I know it'll be there when I return...


The challenge prompt for this is "Continuous" (which I just had to look up how to spell because I ALWAYS get it wrong).


dots Recently in a creative group I belong to, the subject of love came up, and we were encouraged to express what it means, and what we love, people, animals, things... I wanted to chime in but couldn't put my finger really on what I wanted to say.

Today I was catching up on the Art Marks challenge (I am posting all my images on Instagram, I'm still not sure how that whole thing works, but, whatever...) and the prompt was "Simple." Two thoughts collided, a connect-the-dots image and love. So this really IS a simple image but it made sense to me also in how you can grow to love someone, something, someplace. It's not always instantaneous like "I LOVE this sweater" or "I LOVE this song." Sometime it sneaks up on you, and I don't mean that just in a romantic sense.

I guess if I were to talk about love, and what, who, where I love, it would come down to this: I think about how I would feel if I lost them. People, things, animals, places... there are some that if I lost them, I would feel absolutely bereft. Because I love them.

If only lost a few things I've loved in my life. I'm pretty lucky so far. Family, a friend, some Very Good Dogs, and some rather dear cats, and a few special goldfish. A scarf. An earring. A few places that I will probably never be able to visit again.

I'm really just babbling here, and lost in my thoughts about so many things. I just hope you all have someone, something, some place, that you hold close to your heart.



Life is pretty full right now. I just wrote a whole bunch of other stuff and it made no sense ... not in a funny Ha-Ha way, but in a you-should-go-bed-now way... so I deleted it.

Today is February 2nd. Imbolc, which is the start of spring... I'm choosing to believe that is indeed true, and am starting to daydream about poking around for daffodils coming up and peepers singing. Yes, I am slightly delusional.

I sort of ignored the art challenge prompt tonight and did what I wanted. Which is fine.



1. restrict the vibrations of (a transverse wave, especially light) wholly or partially to one direction.

I used the word "polarizing" in conversation today while talking about the state of affairs in the US right now. When I got home I looked up the definition because I wasn't completely sure about where the word originated and whether I was using it correctly.

It is more accurate than I had originally thought.

More and more I am finding myself pushed to take a stand to the left or right, black or white, yes or no... to figure out what exactly I stand for, what position do I truly support. And I am having a hard time doing that because I tend to see both sides of many issues, and I appreciate certain aspects of many people in my life, even when I may disagree with some of their beliefs. My brain struggles with balancing science and faith and experience and stories.

I'm unable to to be restricted wholly or partially to one direction right now.

I'm going to continue to post some images here, I think I will stick to a 4x6 size, that can be downloaded and used for postcards. Send them to your lawmakers. Send them to friends. It doesn't matter to me, but connect with someone, speak what's on your mind, even if you wander off in all directions.

Download yin-yang 4x6 here
