Doing Something

Right now, it's hard for me to figure out What To Do. Things are happening quickly, and I am not a fast-acting person. However, I did take my pink hat art and format it into a postcard size and am happy to add it to the printable art out there that folks can download and mail to their elected officials. pussy-hats_4x6

click here to download 4x6 postcard

It's also available 4-up to print on a letter size sheet that you can trim to whatever size works.


Leave a comment if you'd like this file but run into any problems downloading.


09 This is from the Art Marks Challenge, prompt #9: Chevron. I noticed something today when I sat down to do this. My thoughts flowed.

I've attempted various types of meditation, with mediocre success. I tend to obsess. So when I do guided meditations the first time is usually wonderful, the second time I am thinking about what is coming next and oh boy this is my favorite part or oh huh I don't remember that from last time is this really the same meditation and so on. I've tried seated silent meditations — I've been told that you are supposed to practice just letting your thoughts wash through your mind, and honestly that's what I feel like when I am over-caffeinated so I never truly understood how that would be grounding. I guess I've done walking meditation but I usually have too many "ooooOOoOOoo look at THAT!" moments to actually feel like I am calming myself.

But today I set the timer, pulled out my paints and started creating this pattern. And my thoughts just flowed. Earlier political online chats, wondering if I logged out of my database work, thinking about a troublesome book project that is in the works, the bald eagle I saw yesterday, grocery list... and at the same time making spontaneous decisions about color and pattern and proportions of water to paint... and suddenly I had a brief moment of Ahhhhhhhhh.

Or maybe it should be oooooooohmmmmmmm.

Whatever. It was a moment. When everything was like... well... like rain. Thoughts just kept falling and falling, and trickling off.

And yeah, then it was over and I started wondering why I couldn't mix purple very well, and did I need to throw another log on the fire, and was my timer actually working? But hey, it happened.

And I mentioned the bald eagle — here it is, across the road, down into the field, in my favorite tree by the river.



Art Marks, Vermont March, and Bernie Sanders

cranes Montpelier, Vermont, January 21, 2017 — filled, like so many other places, with people coming together to show unity around equal rights, kindness, and moving forward together. Vermont is a small state, and I believe the Montpelier population is 8-10,000 people. There are estimates of 15,000-20,000 folks that showed up for the rally. There were signs and banners and music and children and dogs and ... us.  Myself, my partner, one of my best friends, her daughter, and daughter's friend. I made hats for all of us, and armed with posters we marched along the fringe of the parade, towards the beginning, and then stood across the street from our capitol and watched people congregate on the statehouse lawn. And watched. And watched. So many people.

We could barely hear what most of the speakers were saying, so we people watched, had our photos taken, and chatted amongst ourselves. Then there was a bustle of activity near the podium, and a voice we all knew boomed out over the crowd "THANK YOU" and the crowd burst into yells of delight, and probably a few tears. Bernie Sanders, indeed, had come home to be with us. He spoke with the passion he is known for, straight and to the point, about us joining together . . . but for a moment he was truly just ours.

It felt good to be there.

Today is Normal Life again. With a heightened awareness perhaps, but revolving around giving the dog a bath (8 pound blind poodles turn into whirling dervishes when you try and wash them, so "giving the dog a bath" also includes cleaning the bathroom, changing out all the towels, and usually taking a shower myself), filling the bird feeders, doing laundry, and getting caught up on Stuff.

Including the Art Marks Challenge! I'm still doing it. Today I am doing 2 days worth. Yesterday's prompt was "Dozens..." sort of a no-brainer...



Fighting off a cold

The cold hit rather suddenly yesterday, and since I have plans for Saturday I tried to hit back with an equal and opposite response. So far I am keeping it at bay with homeopathics, tea, and lots of kleenex. The prompt for Day #5 of the Art Marks challenge was "more than one"... 05

Trust me. There is way "more than one" kleenex in my garbage pail. Today was the first day that I felt like I was understanding gouache, the way it mushes together if you want or allows you to layer. I'm still trying the 15-minute time limit on these, I like not having time to re-do anything, or over think it.

notecardsToday I also folded some sample notecards, small, A1 size, which I like for sending out quick notes to folks. Getting the card and envelope into the plastic holder (Eco-friendly! Score!) is going to be my nemesis. Hopefully I'll continue to sell these at our local bookstore (Ebenezer Books) and figure out the best way to offer them through this site. One thing at a time.

I'll have to update my work projects page soon, I wrapped up a few catalog supplements, and worked on some pretty cool titles with Chelsea Green Publishing recently, including Letter to a Young Farmer, The Greenhouse and Hoophouse Grower's Handbook, and the Rules for Revolutionaries ebook.

Feels like I am just rambling on here. I think what is really on my mind is tomorrow's inauguration, and feeling fairly helpless watching events unfold. I made this little banner the day before the election. Still appropriate.




03 Challenge Day 3 complete! The prompt was "concentric" and I got a kick out of doing this. I was daydreaming about all the little lazy circles you see in ponds which means not only did I spend my 15 minutes (okay, it was more than 15 minutes, but really, drying time... it doesn't count...) doing this spread, but then spend a little more later on in the day doing this little guy... Have I mentioned lately that I'm ready for spring?


Art Challenges

30-day I don't think I have ever completed an Art Challenge (this includes most of my projects while in college. Ugh.). I tried a Sketchbook Challenge, a 365-day inchie challenge, Art Card challenges... etc. So when someone on Facebook posted a link to a 30-day Art Marks Challenge I scrolled by. And then went back. And then scrolled again. Went back. Clicked through and thought, huh, maybe this will help jump start daily sketches again.

I forgot about it until today, so now I am officially a day behind, which is about right. Then I chatted my Mom to remind her (since she said she would do it as well), saying "I guess today we start with petal-like marks" and she replied "we?"... so the whole apple/tree theory is true.

We regrouped and agreed to give it a shot, and do 2 prompts in one day so we can catch up (why do I think we are setting a precedent here?). I'm going to use my 2016 pocket calendar that didn't get used much, and try out my gouache paints and a white gel pen.

You're supposed to set a time limit, I chose 15 minutes since it's a small book (open and flat the spread is 7" x 5"). So... is gouache supposed to smell? Mine does. I'm used to watercolor which seems odorless compared to this. Also, I went a little heavy and it's taking forever to dry. Now I know why I see people using hair dryers on their work.

Because I am who I am I had to start with a spread annoucing what the challenge is. I already hear the sound of doom signaling that I won't make it 30 days. I think it took more than 15 minutes. Drying time shouldn't count... right?

Day one prompt was "petal-like"... this was fun... I like how this paint layers up and then you can draw on it.


Day two prompt was "needlework" and about half-way through I remembered why I stop doing challenges. I feel like I should just plow through whether I like it or not, and sometimes that aggravates me. No cheating this time. I was thinking about crewel needlework, and when I was learning embroidery stitches, and then I started thinking about hand-stitching when you patch clothing... and basically everything started turning brown, and the paint was too wet for my gel pen. This 15 minute timer thing is going to be my undoing.


At least I am caught up now.

Do you have a library card?

I love libraries. I am possibly biased since I spent a lot of time while growing up in a college library where my Mom worked. I helped shelve books, sort the card catalog, and on school snow days would wander the stacks (or be quarantined in a study room with my best friend). I used to know my way around the Dewey Decimal system fairly well, and would study folio books from the bottom shelves while sprawled on the floor. At one point in my life I think I had 4 library cards. I am down to two now, and I love both my local libraries equally (and appreciate that they bear with me when I occasionally return the wrong book to the wrong drop box).

So, when I posted Baggage a week or so ago, and an online friend wrote that she was writing a post about baggage as well, for her library, and asked to borrow my hobo spider to go along with it, I couldn't have been more pleased. It got me thinking that I'd really like to do something fun for my libraries, so I'm looking up ALA "events" like Banned Book Week, that I can illustrate and make some bookmarks to go out to patrons.

This guy is from August of last year... it hung out near the garden for a while, and I loved imagining what he'd get up to on rainy days...


January Thaw

Happy January Thaw! At least in this part of the world. It's a balmy 57 degrees out! The forecast is for -5 Friday night, so I'll enjoy this while I can. Yesterday was sunny and bright, but I had plenty of work on my desk and only managed a brief walk from the parking lot to the office. Today however I dedicated an hour to prowling around the field across the road, just breathing deeply and pretending spring is around the corner.

My only company was a crow that circled a few times cawing loudly, I'm sure alerting everyone in the area to my presence, and some turkeys that were in the field across the river. I could barely see them, but could hear them loud and clear. There are so many flocks around, but I like to think that the ones that visited our feeder were over there, too.

I'm fortunate to be one of those people easily amused by nature. I can spend time watching a patch of grass hoping I'll see an insect passing through or staring into the woods trying to decide if I'm looking at a clever grouping of branches or an animal. I pick up rocks, rub my hands over moss, test prickly looking seed pods to see how sharp they are. Down by the river I felt like I could hang around for hours, listening to the ice creaking, the water bubbling under it, looking at tracks in the mud, and debating on whether to poke a stick into a suspicious looking hole (I didn't).

This morning one of my lady bugs visited while I was settling in to work, seems like a gentle nudge to pick up the pen soon...



found2-1500px I found a pen and ink of mine in a portfolio in my storage unit the other day. It's probably 20 years old. (I just choked a little writing that.) I really like this little sunflower on it's way to opening.

Since I found it I've had this nagging voice in my head asking "why did you stop?" and then another nagging voice in my head telling the other voice to "just shut up." I think I've said out loud "cut it out, both of you" but thankfully most of my days are spent alone so no one can confirm that.

But really,  I didn't just meander off an artistic path, but grabbed a machete and beat my way to a whole different road. And I do wonder why exactly I stopped drawing. Not because I want to linger in the past, or place blame on a person or incident, but because I don't want to do it again. I'm borderline creating from a place of fear some days because I am worried I will stop again. I think I have a better grasp (hah!) on myself now, so I'm fairly sure I'll be fine, but it doesn't stop those little voices.

In sheer defiance I stopped at the art supply store in town that I had a gift certificate to (thank you, Santa!) and chatted with the wonderful woman that works there and picked up 2 new pens, 3 new colored pencils, and an eraser.

The voices had all shut up by the time I got back in my car.


Work In Progress

dragon-wip-1500px Last year I painted a simpler version of this underground dragon for a friend in mourning. It has stuck with me ever since, and I've been wanting to take another stab at it for a while. I've had a dream with her husband in it saying "it's dragons, don't you see, it's dragons!" and while I didn't know him well at all (they are friends of a friend) he had a strong, brief presence in my life, and I wasn't surprised at all that he showed up in a dream after he passed away.

I've been working on it here and there, whenever I've had a few moments, and it feels like a whole story builds in my head while I'm doing it. In my daydreams I'd like to do a series, seasonal maybe, around the dragon. I don't know yet if it's a him or a her.


daddylonglegs-hobo001-edited This morning I was thinking about how much baggage I have had over the years, metaphorically and literally. Every time I've moved I managed to shed some of what has collected, which helps, but it seems to accumulate when I stay too long in one place, again, both metaphorically and literally.

When I settle into a living space I seem to fill all the nooks and crannies and flat spaces with baggage...  shoes that don't quite fit, books that I really can't seem to get into, multiple crochet hooks of the same size, thoughts that weigh on me, reminders of bad decisions, and regrets and doubt find their way into empty closets in my brain.

I think that's why I enjoy changing where I live. It shakes things up. Dust off the cobwebs, find new homes for items, enjoy discovering things that were lost, and organizing and packing up boxes. It also feels like I am able box up and toss negative thoughts, focus on settling in a new environment instead of stagnating where I was. Moving is an excuse to throw your life up in the air and just catch all the good stuff.

What I really need to work on is learning to thrive in place. And ditch the baggage as it comes.

What I am looking forward to in 2017


All the potential Bad Stuff that could happen in 2017 pops up on my Facebook feed, headlines in the news, is on my radio station, and talked about in almost every conversation I have. I have no trouble imagining it.

Today I made sure I sat down after a nice winter walk, and doodled this while thinking about all the Nice Stuff that I am planning on in 2017. I'm going to kayak (a lot). I'm going to try to get back in to hiking (a little). I'm going to expand the flower garden (as much as my back can handle). I'm going to see my family. And my friends. I'm going to keep learning about what I want to do with my creative spirit. I'll probably drink too much a few times, probably eat too much more often than that.

None of these are resolutions. They are just things that I  know are going to happen, things that make me happy. And while that is very Microcosm of me... well... it is. I know that in 2017 I am going to do things that make me happy, and by doing that I will be able to be at my best in helping make my Macrocosm (that doesn't look like a word) a little better.

I'm also excited to continue my hand at blogging in 2017, these past few months have been a trial run and so far so good. (Although that was really a trial by fire posting every day for 25 days in a row.) (I totally deserve some blogger award for doing that.)

I hope anyone reading this has a safe and blessed New Year's Eve, whether you are out socializing, staying home, sleeping through it, or any combination thereof. Tomorrow is a new year no matter how you see it in (or don't)...

Oh, and you know I have already started my to-do list for 01/01/2017.


What I am really learning about being self-employed

cardinal-sketch-1500px 2016 was the first year from start to finish of my being wholly self-employed. I finally started taking some Self-Employment Tips and Tricks to heart, and even try to use a time-management method called the Pomodoro Technique. I downloaded a timer called Tomighty that runs on my laptop and, when I remember to use it, is pretty helpful.

I've mostly been working from home instead of the office over the last few weeks, which on the one hand is great, but on the other hand has required a set of Rules that I haven't explicitly found anywhere online.

  1. No Bailey's in the coffee. I mean it.
  2. Don't lie down "for a minute." Ever.
  3.  Move all paper and drawing implements into another room.
  4. Stop. Eating. Chex. Mix.
  5. Seriously. Stop eating it.
  6. Don't eat the chocolate caramels either.
  7. Don't start bird-watching. That leads to bird-photo-taking, which leads to bird sketching, which brings us back to #3.
  8. Brush your teeth.
  9. Don't binge watch Ink-Master while working.
  10. Facebook Chat... now is not the time to organize your stickers.

There goes the buzzer... time to get back to work...