We know it's coming...

2016-1500px What to do with your old pocket planner when the year ends? Decorate it... you can't have too many sketch books, right?

I like starting over. I do it all the time. I start new journals, new exercise routines, new bookkeeping procedures... and as much as I try to "live in the present" I am definitely more of a "well, you screwed up today so you may as well start fresh tomorrow" person. I like plans, and if they go awry I sort of go to pieces instead of going with the flow. Sometimes I think I pull off the "hey, it's cool" vibe, but inside I am mostly trying to figure out how to re-organize my list.

I was going somewhere with this. But I just got distracted thinking about what I have coming up over the next few weekends and all the variables.

Anyway, New Year's Eve! I love it. Even though I don't truly believe in making Resolutions, I love making lists and plans for what the new year will contain. People I meant to see in 2016 that I never did. Books I didn't read, but will next year! Recipes I clipped and never cooked, may as well start going through them in January... I'll organize my photos (and write up a list of categories for reference)...  It feels fresh to me, like clean sheets on the bed. And it's a bench mark, the first day of the first month of the new year!

BUT like so many people, I am entering 2017 with a feeling of suspicion. Like, my sheets aren't really clean, they just got folded up in a way that makes them look like they were washed. My lists are more vague than usual. Basically along the lines of Be Nicer to People. Always Have Cash on Hand. Learn Political Geography. (Santa brought us an enormous wall map for this very reason. By enormous I mean 5.5 ft long and over 4 ft tall.) (Santa must have thought he measured our wall space and failed.) (And by "he" I mean "me." Oops.)

I feel like I'm looking at 2017 and shaking my finger at it saying "you better smarten up, mister." And yet, I'm pretty sure it won't.


I'm not gonna lie...

list-800px ... I have several new, end-of-year lists in the making... I can't help myself. I have lists for organizing and stashing all the holiday decorations when they come down, lists for clients and projects (especially to remind myself of ones that slipped through the cracks over the weekend!), lists for cleaning up my office, lists of Things To Do Once 2017 Begins... I have a planner to update, and a brand new address book to transfer all my random electronic and paper contacts into... and OHDEARLORD I have all my tax info to pull together and print out.

This morning I was trying to write up a list that would be just pertinent to today, Monday, that I could follow step-by-step and feel like I accomplished something. And then I doodled the little bird. And I thought about how it looked a little like a titmouse. And then I pulled up some photos I took of the solitary titmouse that keeps guarding the suet. And then I thought about how fun it would be to draw some pictures of a Tenacious Titmouse.

Then I looked at the clock.


I'll start a new list at noon. At the top will be: Update Blog so I can at least check one thing off.

December 23rd... keep the lights on...

23 I love lights shining out from houses in the dark. And yes, if you don't have curtains or blinds in the window, I will look in... not in a creepy way... but I often admire the scene framed by the window... what people have on their walls, what's on their TV, what color are the lights on the tree. There was a house I walked by fairly often for a while, and I was sorely tempted to knock on their door because I loved the painting over their mantle and always wanted a closer look... but I was never sure how I would explain myself.

Our house has curtains on half the windows... so it presents a slightly confused front: open, yet private... sort of like me, actually.



Because it wouldn't be right to not include Deranged Hummingbird

22 The moment I sketched up a rather deranged looking hummingbird that visited our feeder this past spring, I knew that the time was right to get back into my art.


Of course he had to be added to the advent calendar, even though I know he is on a sunny beach somewhere drinking sangria or some other fruity concoction... jerk...


Seeing him pop up on the calendar (I knew he was there somewhere!) is pretty inspiring for me. If I hadn't done that little doodle I don't think I would have started doing my morning sketches, or gone on a few of my extra adventures this summer. I wouldn't have created my holiday cards, or put them up for sale, or done this advent calendar. I wouldn't be dreaming and scheming about what I want to do next year. So thanks little guy, for hanging out at our feeder this summer.


Happy Winter Solstice!

21 The shortest day of the year. Even though most of winter still is ahead of us, the number of (potential) hours of sunlight will be increasing. I'll take it!

Today's Advent calendar day is the first one where I really paid attention to how many days are left until Christmas. Fewer than I thought. Huh.

Holiday checklist has been thrown out the window. Work deadlines are looming.

I accomplished almost all of my pre-Christmas goals, and now have proceeded to eat any and all leftover chocolate, been over-caffeinated 3 days in a row, and still haven't decorated the tree with anything but lights. Or made the cookies that I have the ingredients for. Although I may have made a serious dent in the Hershey Kisses and peanut butter (a webcam in our kitchen may have shown me with spoon in one hand and peanut butter jar in the other, staring out the window while surrounded by little pieces of foil) (luckily we don't have a webcam) (that I know of) (oh dear).

I think I am scaring strangers with my slightly hysterical "Happy Holidays" that I screech whenever someone says Hello.

My favorite massage person isn't taking clients until January 4th. After a long pause on the phone yesterday, during which I was very happy that we weren't video chatting (due to the horrified expression on my face), I managed to wish her a Good Christmas and I would see her sometime in 2017. Then I promptly when shopping for Advil and wine.

Can you tell I am starting to unravel a little?





Tuesday the 20th!

20 Hmmmmmm.... I'm sensing a theme over the last few days... I guess when I was selecting images for these last few days I knew I was going to need some reminders!

This time of year is one of my busiest workwise. For one client it involves a large, fast-turnaround project... for another client it's the beginning of the busy season that runs until June, and another client is always consistent, but has deadlines that I now need to start juggling with the first two. Plus I am always looking for new clients, which requires getting to know one another, and developing a work flow that benefits everyone.

I used to laugh at Self-Employment Hints and Tips: time-management tools, reminders to take time for yourself, how to set realistic deadlines and communicate them with your client... Now I am trying to remember everything I have read or been told over the years! The biggest thing is remembering that I am of no use to anyone if I am burnt out. I'm not great at it yet, but I am practicing reminding myself to slow down, pay attention, and stay in communication.

Another big one for me is to ease up on Recreational Computer Use. When I am working on my laptop 8 or 9 hours a day I need to step away in the evening, no matter if I am behind on reading my favorite blogs, or still figuring out Instagram (really, why? I don't understand it), or checking the weather forecast for the hundredth time...  It's not good for my eyes, my brain, or my neck.

But I'll get into my winter rhythm. Obviously my Reminder to myself, and you, is Be Gentle with Yourself, the world isn't going to end (probably) if you put things off, or slow down, or simply say No to something that is going to push you over the edge. And you aren't any use to yourself or anyone if you fall off the cliff.



Happy Monday the 19th!

19 I personally could use some extra Hershey Kisses today. I know it's all "you better not pout" this time of year, but I managed to tweak my neck and shoulder by being at the computer working too long without getting up and stretching (see yesterdays advice that I didn't take)... so I am pouting.

This week I'll be focused on trying to finish up some projects while fighting off the headaches and eye aches that creep up my neck. I'm going to call my massage person today and see if I can get in to see her sooner than later.

So, hmmmmmmm, my darling lady bug hugging her Hershey Kiss is all about reminding me To Pull Myself Together... today. And reminding myself to have some more chocolate. I should have called my massage person many weeks ago when the first twinges hit. I should have listened to my Mom and started doing my yoga and stretching a few months ago. I should have listened to myself when I thought "maybe you should get another good office chair for the home office?" but I didn't, and here I am. All I have is Right Now, so excuse me while I go do a few stretches, eat another piece of chocolate, and try and take charge of myself again.

Can lady bugs eat chocolate? Or is it bad for them? These are things I wonder about. Anyway, go eat some chocolate and stretch those arms in the air. It can't do any harm.


Happy Slugday! I mean, Sunday the 18th


Namaslime. Be kind to one another.

Recognize what's the same in one another.


And, as my muse reminded me, always remember to stretch.

Holiday checklist? Progressing. Today will be watching the rain and ice outside, while cooking making and tree decorating on the inside. And a smidge of work so I don't fall behind. There might be rum and eggnog at some point. And stretching. I've discovered that my home office chair is really REALLY not meant for sitting in for long periods of time. So, yes, LOTS of stretching. I'll be channeling my inner slug.


Holy Moly it's December 17th...

17 All the birds around here are starting to get this googley-eye look for real. It's been COLD (see a few days ago for my thoughts on being cold). And windy. And cold. And windy.

During work breaks yesterday I watched the birds coming and going from the feeder... I am always amazed at how they survive this weather. We have a tall forged hook out in the front yard that has a bird feeder and suet cake hanging from it. It may be hard to fill in the gaps in the photos, but these 3 were all on it or around it at the same time, giving each other territorial glances. Very amusing.


Hysterical! And so puffed up. Brrrrrrrrrr. I don't blame them. We also had some tufted titmouses (titmice?), finches, chickadees, a larger pain-in-my-butt woodpecker, and yes, one lonely nuthatch.


Shine On! Happy December 16th...

16 Happy Friday! Enter: the last weekend before Christmas! How's the checklist? Hmmmmm... still only lights on the tree... Almost all the cards are mailed, as well as all the packages that had to be shipped... rum balls made and distributed... I've let go of a few things that had me running around like a crazy person last year, and it feels GOOD.

I love lightning bugs in the summer evenings. I wish that somehow they were a year-round critter. Can't you picture them flying around outside right now flashing some festive green and red and blue and gold?  I remember when I learned that the females hang out on the ground and flash in response to the males flying around... over the years I have logged hours upon hours sitting outside with a small flashlight, trying to mimic them in order to gather lightning bugs around me. Disturbing nature, one of my many talents.

So, as we steamroll through the holidays and straight into 2017, and all the trials and tribulations it's going to hold, remember: keep shining!



Happy December 15th!

15 I usually scoff at Gratitude Journals, or meetings that begin with everyone saying what they are grateful for that day... I mean, sure, once in a while it's a good thing to nod your head wisely and be grateful for Your Life, but I get a little sarcastic when it becomes a daily endeavor. It also gets silly. Or maybe that's just me. All I am going to admit is that there were a few meetings where my goal was to state the most trite thing possible to be grateful for. I stopped being requested for those committee meetings after a while. There's something to be grateful for.

HOWEVER... since I am the one that put this calendar together I obviously thought this would be a good day to be reminded of JOY and where we all find it.

I find Joy in discovering little creatures outside, as well as mosses and pebbles and flowers. I find Joy in my first cup of coffee in the morning, when I am still border-line groggy and grouchy and I can just curl up in my chair and sulk until I wake up. I find Joy when my old dog is sprawled in front of the warm wood stove with a smile on his face and I know he ended up in the best home possible for him. I find Joy when emails cross each other in the world wide web between me and the ones I love at the exact, unplanned time.

So today, with no sarcasm, I wish you all JOY, wherever and however you find it!



December 14th... are you a snow person?

14 People laugh when they find out I live in Vermont and have never downhill skied. Never even tried. Never even stood in downhill ski boots. Oh, wait, I may have once... because I remember asking "What if you fall ... wouldn't this stiff boot snap your shin bone?" and I am pretty sure the answer was "It could." ... and I probably walked away shaking my head at people who live that risky of a life.

I did cross-country ski for a while with my family when growing up. I enjoyed it. And a few memorable trips in college, one on groomed trails where somehow my friends and I ended up on a professional trail. Basically downhill on packed snow with cross-country skies strapped to our feet. We may have walked part of it. Once again I am smug in the knowledge that no one whipped out an iphone and posted videos all over the internet.

Snow-shoeing can be fun, I've done my share and own a decent set of snowshoes. I also own a great pair of ice cleats. They had an unexpected learning curve. If you stand too long in one place fiddling with your camera the cleats can freeze in place. And then you fall when you try to walk again. Probably on your face because you are trying to save the camera. True story.

See, the biggest problem is that I really don't like being cold. My nose gets cold. And then it runs. My teeth get cold. My glasses fog up. Then my eyes start tearing. I have technical gear so I can pit zip with the best of them, and I wear layers, so I spend a lot of time standing around zipping things up and down, and untucking and retucking, and trying to clean my glasses off. Fun times.

So, no. I am not a snow person. And yes, I realize I live in Vermont, and No, I don't plan on moving anywhere warmer.


December 13th... Full Moon!

13 Full moon tonight! I am a little bummed out that I only spied an owl around the house once last month... and no more... I haven't even heard her when heading out for the last call of nature with the Dog. Sigh. All I can think of is that the neighbors cats are keeping the rodent population down in the area (oh, well, and the red-tailed hawl across the road!).

Let's see. Holiday check-list! Tree still only has lights on it. Some internet-purchased gifts showed up today (hooray!). No cookies made yet, but I have plans. A few cards have made it out the door. A few cards have made it IN the door (hooray!). We have maybe 4 inches of snow, which is plenty for me. Festive enough. And my health seems to have rallied, so I feel like I can actually mean it when I say "Fine!" if someone asks how I am doing.

All in all, especially considering that I am still keeping up with news headlines, I'd say December is staying fairly mellow for me. I hope all of you are hanging in there as well! If you can, go out and catch a glimpse of the moon tonight...




Halfway-ish! December 12th...

12 I think spiders would be excellent wrappers and bow makers. Although I just creeped myself out while thinking about a group of spiders climbing all over a package with tape and ribbon...

So, happy December 12th, halfway-ish to Christmas!  It's also very much a Monday Morning here... including some snowy and sleety weather, a couple of projects needing tending to, and a general urge to climb back in to bed.


Happy December 11th!

11 I love the idea of stockings hanging out in the woods. These little stockings remind me of one of my FAVORITE Christmas books (and, ahem, I just started unpacking holiday goodies today and I found it!!): A Christmas Party pictures by Cyndy Szekeres / poem by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey. Go find it. Then buy some of those coffee nut M&Ms and get cozy. It's lovely.


In the meantime, I hope you all have stockings to hang, and you know what, if you don't have anyone to fill it — fill it yourself. The season of giving isn't just giving to others, it's giving to yourself. If you know that no one is going to get you that little something that you've been eyeing for the last few months... get it, wrap it, and drop it in. Or, if you need some words of kindness for yourself... Write 'em down! Write a bunch down! Write down everything you want to do in 2017. Start now, and you'll forget by Christmas morning what you said, and BOOM what a pleasant surprise with your coffee as you pull them out.

And PS... Happy Birthday, Mom!!
