Happy Monday the 19th!
I personally could use some extra Hershey Kisses today. I know it's all "you better not pout" this time of year, but I managed to tweak my neck and shoulder by being at the computer working too long without getting up and stretching (see yesterdays advice that I didn't take)... so I am pouting.
This week I'll be focused on trying to finish up some projects while fighting off the headaches and eye aches that creep up my neck. I'm going to call my massage person today and see if I can get in to see her sooner than later.
So, hmmmmmmm, my darling lady bug hugging her Hershey Kiss is all about reminding me To Pull Myself Together... today. And reminding myself to have some more chocolate. I should have called my massage person many weeks ago when the first twinges hit. I should have listened to my Mom and started doing my yoga and stretching a few months ago. I should have listened to myself when I thought "maybe you should get another good office chair for the home office?" but I didn't, and here I am. All I have is Right Now, so excuse me while I go do a few stretches, eat another piece of chocolate, and try and take charge of myself again.
Can lady bugs eat chocolate? Or is it bad for them? These are things I wonder about. Anyway, go eat some chocolate and stretch those arms in the air. It can't do any harm.