I'm not gonna lie...

list-800px ... I have several new, end-of-year lists in the making... I can't help myself. I have lists for organizing and stashing all the holiday decorations when they come down, lists for clients and projects (especially to remind myself of ones that slipped through the cracks over the weekend!), lists for cleaning up my office, lists of Things To Do Once 2017 Begins... I have a planner to update, and a brand new address book to transfer all my random electronic and paper contacts into... and OHDEARLORD I have all my tax info to pull together and print out.

This morning I was trying to write up a list that would be just pertinent to today, Monday, that I could follow step-by-step and feel like I accomplished something. And then I doodled the little bird. And I thought about how it looked a little like a titmouse. And then I pulled up some photos I took of the solitary titmouse that keeps guarding the suet. And then I thought about how fun it would be to draw some pictures of a Tenacious Titmouse.

Then I looked at the clock.


I'll start a new list at noon. At the top will be: Update Blog so I can at least check one thing off.