Catching up!
/It's been bitingly cold here the last few days, well below zero with windchill. I keep reminding myself that Spring is JUST around the corner. I mean, we already had one mud season a week or so ago, and they have been boiling sap down the road all last week... I'm just trying to stay positive, but cabin fever is kicking in and I'm even looking forward to mowing the lawn. I've been doing my alphabet insects, although I am a few days behind because I slacked off Friday and Saturday... too tired and too cold for playing with paints. But here's what came after E is for Earthworm!
F is for Firefly is my favorite. I could see doing a series of them. Although I love the look on H is for Hornet's face. That was after a long frustrating day and it totally showed! There's also G is for Green Lacewing and I is for Inchworm...