First Craft Show!

web-namaslime-within-crSo interesting (and nerve-wreaking on some level) watching people look at your work. I tried not to hover and force chit-chat on them, but it was hard not to ask which illustration they were looking at when a small chuckle would escape them... I did shriek with excitement a bit when I woman laughed aloud and bought "Namaslime-Within" - her sister teaches yoga - and explained to her shopping companion about Namaste (vs Namaslime). I'd love to find an open minded and slightly quirky yoga place that could embrace Namaslime. All in all a solid day, good sales, friends and family stopping in and texting me love and support, some random encounters with friends who didn't even know I would be there... Passing thunderstorms and the best booth companion I could hope for.

To everyone who has emailed me about card orders - Thank You! I'm working hard to get a process in place, as I was overwhelmed a bit after Jon Katz unexpectedly wrote about me, so please, bear with me, and know how much I appreciate your enthusiasm!
