Musing... pre-Holiday panic

I know, I know... December gets a little crazy for pretty much everyone. I'm preaching to the choir... Myself, I'm anticipating at least one large project arriving mid-month, and my other work always seems to kick into high gear as well... Then there is the traditional "ohmygodhowisChristmasonly3weeksaway" panic: card-making, cookie baking, present shopping, and general list-making... oh and the tree and lights... right...

I really wanted to make an Advent Calendar, but knew I had to set some limits. So this was a one-shot, no rough drafts, get-it-done and prepped-to-hit-publish sort of project! Which is why it ended up looking like a bingo card. My 2017 calendar is already on my to-do list for next year — only to start it in June!

I'll be posting each day here and on Facebook, hope it brings some smiles to everyone!advent-pre