

Things have settled down a bit now, but the last week had a lot going on. My work schedule was overbooked, as well as coming up with some designs for Valentine’s Day cards for a local florist (I’ll post pictures soon!). I found out some awful health news about a friend, and am trying to figure out how I can best make time to visit her, possibly for the last time. In general, I was choosing to hold a lot of space for people in my life, which indeed, was my choice, but a lot of my energy was primarily being spent on feeling Anxious, for myself and on behalf of other people. When push came to shove for meeting my deadlines and staying sane, there wasn’t much energy left.

The lesson for me is to pay attention to how much energy I have and where I am sending it.

The weeks ahead look manageable work-wise and I have worked out a pretty good daily schedule involving walks and eating decent lunches. I have high hopes that I will lure most of my energy back!