For the birds...
/Winter has arrived! We had a 2-day storm that brought 12” of snow, followed now by sub-zero temps… I bit the bullet and hired someone to plow my driveway (best $20 ever spent) and have kept a slow and steady fire going in the wood stove (while at the same time feeling grateful for the gas back-up heater in my kitchen)…
I’ve had a bird feeder out for a few weeks, but have learned that the birds have a buffet on my street, so I need to up my seed game. There’s a small gang of chickadees that come by, and they seem to have adopted a tufted titmouse or two. Two female cardinals and one male pass by once in a while, and a woodpecker that honestly just seemed lost. If I see him again I’ll try and draw him, because he seems like a wonderful vagabond character.
I’ve been feeling really grateful the last few days, it’s easy for me to focus on all the little “bad” things in my life, and I am guilty of the “glorification of busy” — I really want to snap out of that headspace. Yes, I am busy with work, and that’s fantastic! Yes, I am feeling a little run down and am sleeping a lot, and am appreciating the fact that I have time available to take care of myself! Sometimes I worry about relationships I have, and I then I smile, and remind myself how lucky I am to have the people in my life that I have.
So, yeah, some birds, some motivational words, and wishing you all a warm weekend ❤️