Countdown Interruption
/I interrupt our Advent Calendar flow to let everyone know that my little Charlie Brown Christmas tree is up! It was lopped down a few nights ago and yesterday I rigged it up so it wouldn’t fall over, and today I took some time to untangle my lights (see December 12!) and pulled out the lightest weight decorations I have :-) A few presents to make the space looked lived in. It’s feeling pretty cozy in here, and about a million years away from what I thought my life was going to look like in December of 2017.
THANK YOU to everyone who has clicked on the Support Button and to those who have taken the time to let me know how much they enjoy the daily art :-) I’ll try and keep up with it into the New Year, and am having thoughts of calendars and a book and, well, who knows what else!
Take good care, everyone!